Saturday, March 16, 2013

Crew Talent Show and Neptune Day!

Hey everyone!

I know I've been absent for a few days, so I wanted to make a post about the awesome events that have been happening on the ship.

A couple of nights ago, our crew put on a talent show in the Union. This would be an awesome ship to work on. What other one would let you get up and perform for the entire shipboard community? The talent show was great! A lot of the crew members (which include cabin stewards, wellness center and spa staff, galley crew, reception desk staff, etc.) seem quite reserved when you talk to them in person. It was quite a surprise to see them get up on stage and start singing and dancing! They were all great, and many were quite hilarious! It's kind of hard to look at the crew members the same way now. My favorite was the band that sang and played guitar, drums and the piano. I wish I could upload videos because I actually didn't take very many pictures, but here are a few!

The day after that we had Neptune Day on the ship! Here's a picture that explains the story behind that. I'll make this one a little bigger so you can read it, hopefully!

It was a lot of fun! The "tasks" we had to do to become Shellbacks included getting fish guts dumped on us (I'm not actually sure if it was real fish guts or if they were just trying to scare us), jumping in the pool, kissing a fish and kissing King Neptune's (Captain Jeremy) ring. Then you had the opportunity to shave your head if you wanted to. I definitely didn't, but quite a few guys did and even some girls. The girls that chose to actually look really good! Some people also just shaved parts of their heads, so there are some interesting hairstyles on the ship right now.

We arrive in Mauritius the day after tomorrow, and we are only staying one day there. After that, it's on to AFRICA! I'll get my India post done as soon as possible, hopefully before Mauritius. Thanks everyone!

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