Friday, March 22, 2013

Sea Olympics Results!

Hey everyone!

I'm going to start this post off by saying how AWESOME Sea Olympics were yesterday! My Jeopardy team placed first, which one was of the events at the beginning, so that was a great way to start off the day. After that, I walked around and watched some of the other events like Last Comic Standing and the Spelling Bee. I actually didn't make it to many of the outdoor athletic events. The relay race started at 2 p.m. and took about an hour and a half to complete. There was about a 30 minute time difference between the first and last place finishers. I think my sea placed 5th in that.

Side Note: It was slightly awkward that the Mediterranean Sea (my sea) was red and the Red Sea was blue. I'm not exactly sure why that happened! Our Resident Director was in charge of the Sea Olympics and she got first choice of colors, so I guess she decided to pick red.

Synchronized Swimming got cancelled because the ship was pretty rocky yesterday. Instead, they had the teams to Synchronized Dancing in the Union. That was pretty entertaining! It was interesting to see how they adapted to performing on solid ground instead of in the water. The Lip-Synching competition was after that. I kind of wish I would have signed up to be on our team. Everyone did amazing! What the teams were able to pull together such a short amount of time was really impressive.

They announced the winners after the lip-synching competition. The winning team gets to choose whether they get off of the ship first or last in Barcelona when the voyage ends and they also get an ice cream social. (You take ice cream whenever you can get it on this ship!) The winner of the Sea Olympic was the Caribbean Sea. Our team placed... dead last. Haha! But was still an awesome day!

Here are some pictures from the day and from the Opening Ceremonies the night before. I have a lot more videos than I do pictures!

Some of the Sea flags!

Winning Jeopardy Team! :)

My beautiful friend Michela. :)

Synchronized "Swimming..."

Yes, those are our faculty members. The guy on the right is the Assistant Dean of Students.

Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu spoke in my Anthropology of Religion class today, and he was absolutely incredible. I will make a blog post dedicated to that soon, but here is one of my favorite quotes from his talk:

     “If we aren’t compassionate, we know inside that we are less than what we ought to be. Otherwise, we would be sub-human. You can try to pretend that this is not the case. But we are bound together. Our world is going to sink or swim based on how seriously you and I take the fact that we belong together.”

 We have two more days before arriving in South Africa!!!!! :)

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