Sunday, March 10, 2013

Oh The Fun We Have At Pre-Ports...

Hey everyone!

We are currently on our fifth of six days in India! I'm taking a little time to relax on the ship today and wanted to do a short post. The night before we arrive in each port, we have a mandatory pre-port meeting where we are briefed on stats from the port before and health and safety, transportation, field programs, logistics, etc. for the upcoming port. The deans and staff that speak always keep it interesting and often throw in bits of entertainment for us as well.

At our pre-port before India, Tom Jelke, our Executive Dean, presented "Top 10 Worst Starting Lines on the Duty Dean Cell Phone." Whenever we're in port, there is always at least one dean on duty that has the "duty dean phone" we can call in case of an emergency. The top ten worst starting lines he shared with us have happened so far on our voyage. So, for your entertainment, here they are. It would be pretty embarrassing to be one of these students.

10. "I lost my passport, but I have it now. Do I need to report it to you?" (This call came at 2 in the morning.)

9. "We lost our friend at the club. Is she back on the ship?"

8. "Hi can you transfer me to cabin 4115?"

7. "Is the shuttle still running?"

6. "I lost my cell phone in a cab. I don't remember the company or the driver's name. Can you contact them for me?"

5. "Can I bring weapon/scorpion/wine/this person I just met onto the ship with me?" (All of those happened.)

4. "Mike something told me to call you and let you guys know he missed his field lab."

3. "Is it safe to drink the water in the Marina Bay Sands hotel?"

2. "What time is on-ship time and how much dock time do you get if you miss that?"

1. "Are you guys breathalyzing tonight?"

You might need a little bit of background information to understand some of these, but hopefully you found them at least a little humorous.

That's all for now! I'll post about India soon!

Thanks guys!

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